The goal is to create a stand-alone device to “relay” ambient sensor and other ISM device data over TCP, with the intent of making it easy for others to create projects that interface to these devices. Initially the focus is on ambient weather sensors, but other devices could be added later such as remote control power outlets, etc.
Applications need only open a TCP connection with this “Weather Relay” device to receive the sensor data as JSON formatted records. Individual devices may be notated with extra information which is included in the streamed record.
Sample streamed record for a La Crosse LTV-WSDTH04 sensor.
{ type:"report", order:"52524", rssi:-55, utc:1685388093, device:{ id:"8977e7", extra:{ location:"Roof", type:"Wind Dir/Speed & Temp/Hydro", model:"LTV-WSDTH04", brand:"LaCrosse" }, deviceid:0x8977e7, interval:189, temp:20.9, humidity:46, dewpoint:10.90, wind:{ direction:200, speed:0.0 }, sequence:3, battery:{ level:1, max:1 } } }
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